Do you remember those reading incentive programs that you got to do in elementary school? Or the Summer Reading program at the public library when you were a kid? I've always wished they had something like that for adults... so I've decided to start one!
Here's how it will work. Each participant will set his or her own goals. (More on that later.) I will make a progress page for each participant, and participants can e-mail me with updates as often as they wish. There will be a discussion list (not mandatory--you don't have to join it to participate) so we can all encourage each other. And you'll even get some little surprises as you meet your goals!
Now, about those goals... they can be for numbers of books or pages, or for a particular book or type of book. They can have any deadline you want, or no deadline at all. You can have more than one going on at once. It is not a competition against each other--just for fun or a competition against yourself!
Some sample goals: Read 20 books this year. Read a book a month. Read 2000 pages this summer. Finish War and Peace, finally. Read a book a week. Read a non-fiction book.
Well, you get the idea. So come on and join in the fun!
Participant pages:
If you want to be in the discussion list as well...