What's in a name?
New Hampshire Events
Word Count
My NaNoWriMo Blog
About My Novel
Regency Research
NaNoWriMo Links
About Me

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I've started!!!!

Welcome to my National Novel Writing Month page! All of the links should work (let me know if they don't), but some of them don't have much content yet.

I participated in NaNo in 2001 (and finished!), and I'm looking forward to doing it again. I'm hoping it will be less stressful this year, since I'm no longer a student or writing a thesis. But I am working and trying to keep an apartment clean (it's so much harder than a dorm! No one told me that!), so we'll see what happens.

In the meantime, read my novel from last year: Chalice Keep.

Anyway, I'm very glad you made your way to my site. Enjoy your visit!

Check out the New Hampshire Events schedule!

NaNoWriMo ends in . . .

Thanks to Old Fashioned Clipart.