The Other Yesterday: Wordcraft

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Friday, August 09, 2002
    12:55 PM  
Still haven't been writing much... but tomorrow I'm going to try to go to a writing group at Borders! I'll let you know how it goes. Hoping to meet some people.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002
    6:44 PM  
I've been really wanting to write lately but I've been having trouble actually doing so. I think about writing and talk about writing much more than I actually write. Any tips on changing that?

I did do some research today on the subject of an historical novel that I want to attempt. So that was good. It'll be about Eumachia, a priestess who lived in Pompeii and was a patron of the wool industry. I saw her building and statue when I visited Pompeii, and she seemed very interesting. I'm not sure how much information there is about her, but I should be able to find a good deal about life in the Empire/Pompeii in general. I'll let you know how it goes...


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