The Other Yesterday: The Blog

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Saturday, December 14, 2002
    10:43 AM  
Well, we saw Star Trek: Nemesis last night. Really late. It started at 10:45. I enjoyed it, though. Especially all the Riker/Troi stuff. I've been wanting them to get marrid for a while now. So that was exciting. Not enough Wil Wheaton or Whoopi Goldberg, though.

Friday, December 13, 2002
    12:43 PM  
My lasagna was weird. Lean Cuisine stuff. It was okay though. And I was good and just ate that and drank my diet soda. So that means I can get whatever I want when we go out for dinner tonight. (Yeah, not like that's a lot. Usually "whatever I want" is just an appetizer. But I won't feel guilty if it's not particular healthy.) Oh and popcorn at the movie. Yay movie!

    9:35 AM  
Oh. The other thing I meant to say. I am thinking of switching to Moveable Type. Thoughts? Opinions from those who've used it?

    9:31 AM  
So. This morning my roommate woke up and couldn't move. (Well, not much.) Apparently he hurt his neck while he was sleeping. Poor thing. Of course, if he doesn't go to work, it means we get to do our shopping/movie thing earlier and not be at the movie until one am. Silver linings. Yup.

I want coffee. Isn't it time for my coffee break yet? Yeah, it was a long morning.


Thursday, December 12, 2002
    5:31 PM  

Which Goddess Owns You?

brought to you by Quizilla

    5:21 PM  
Oh. I suppose I should mention my Big Life-Changing News, huh?

As of the 20th, I will be no longer working at the library. On the 21st I will be starting a full time job at Borders. Yes, a real full time job, with benefits and everything!

I have somewhat mixed feelings about this. It is not at all what I ever saw myself doing. Sure, I used to say I'd like to work at a bookstore, but I always meant a small, independent one, probably with used books, probably one I owned. This is very different. I am having to get passed the whole intellectual/academic elitist thing that people who work in stores are somehow not as good as other people, such as academics. I KNOW this is not true, of course. I don't believe it. But being around that idea, especially in college, it's hard to completely ignore it. I feel like many of my professors will be disappointed in me when they hear what I'm doing. Luckily, my parents have been incredibly supportive, which I wasn't completely sure they would be. But still... other people.

But. BUT. I love it. I'm thrilled to be working there. It's much more fun than my current library job. I'm even good at it, which I wasn't at all sure I would be. But my natural shyness almost vanishes when I'm in a situation with customers, and even sometimes co-workers there. I can talk to them. I can smile and be friendly. It makes me feel really good about myself.

Oh, and the books books books books. And the employee discounts. Heaven.

And yeah, the health insurance and all that will be nice too.

So. Yup. That's my news. What do you think?

P.S. It is my mother's birthday. Remind me to call her later, 'kay?


    4:35 PM  
Hi hi hi. Umm. I will say something with more substance soon...

Oh yeah! I changed the top. The other blogs aren't completely gone, I'm just taking them down for now so I can re-get used to writing in blogs at all.


Wednesday, December 11, 2002
    9:08 AM  
Why am I so tired today?

Tuesday, December 10, 2002
    10:19 PM  
I want someone to ask me out on a date. Just once. Just to prove it could happen.

Daily thoughts...

The Other Yesterday: The Girl

The Other Yesterday

Yeah, I know it's hardly new or unknown, but I had never bothered to go see it before, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

The WeatherPixie
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Anticipating: Christmas shopping and Star Trek movie
Wanting: More time!
Thankful for: Being almost done with my shopping

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