The Other Yesterday: The Blog

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Friday, December 20, 2002
    10:17 PM  
Blah. I have so much to do the next few days. I should go to bed. But I'm not tired. Don't you just hate that?

    7:50 AM  
Baby baby baby!!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2002
    7:37 PM  
Egads, there's no one here!

I was so caught up in my knitting and blog-reading and e-mail that I didn't really notice that all the patrons had gone. (It's about half an hour before normal closing time. That means I can close up and go home! Whee!

So I'm singing "One More Sleep Till Christmas" from The Muppets' Christmas Carol. Not entirely accurate, no, but it feels vaguely appropriate, as this is my last evening working at the library. (Tomorrow is my last day.) Maybe I'll go home and watch that movie. Haven't seen it yet this season.


    6:24 PM  

What Was Your PastLife?

Wednesday, December 18, 2002
    6:42 PM  
I've been one poor correspondent,
I've been too too hard to find.
But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind.

Oh, I'm just full of song lyrics this evening.


    1:24 PM  
Hi there. I'm at my parents' house at the moment, so not posting much... I'll be back this evening!

Monday, December 16, 2002
    10:05 AM  
Participation Positives

1. We put our Christmas tree up yesterday and it's really pretty! (Yes, I'll put pictures up soon.)
2. It's almost Christmas!
3. I get to go to my little brother's school concert tomorrow.
4. My Christmas shopping is very almost done. (3 more things I need to get.)
5. It's my last week at my old job, and as of Saturday I'll be full time at Borders!
6. I have the most wonderfullest kitten in the universe.


    9:41 AM  
I bought something from e-bay today. For the first time ever. Quite exciting. I can't tell you what it is, though, because it's for someone who might read here occasionally. I'll tell you later. Like after Christmas maybe.

    9:37 AM  
I realized something yesterday. My next day off? December 25.

Daily thoughts...

The Other Yesterday: The Girl

The Other Yesterday

Yeah, I know it's hardly new or unknown, but I had never bothered to go see it before, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

The WeatherPixie
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Anticipating: Christmas!
Wanting: Sleep
Thankful for: My pretty Christmas tree

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