The Other Yesterday: The Blog

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Saturday, January 04, 2003
    6:00 AM  
So. Unless work calls in the next 15 minutes, I am out to brave the storm. Eek.

(You'd think SOME station would actually have NEWS early Saturday morning. Especially when we're in the middle of a blizzard. But no. Of course not.)


Thursday, January 02, 2003
    1:11 PM  
Happy New Year! Yes, I know I still haven't done that Christmas update. I will. Really. Well, I'll do an abbreviated version now, and then see if I get to it. (The holidays and starting to work full time all in one week are very tiring/stressful.)

So: Christmas. It was good. My big present was a Palm 130. It's so cute. I love it. The kitten loves her new toys. We have some pictures of her with them; I'll upload them soon. Got lots of other exciting presents, and everyone seemed to like the presents I/we gave them. Yes, we drove from NH to CT during that yucky storm. But we survived.

And now: New Year's! This year will obviously be very different. It's my first full year of not being in school. And my first full time job. (Which I love, by the way. Love love love. It's great.) I've made, umm, TONS of resolutions, and actually written them all out... trying to decide if/what I want to share. Some are shared in my Biblioblog and By Hand. Some other highlights: exercise more (I'm going to get an exercise video). Make more of an effort to make friends. Get my bedroom clean and organized so I can actually use and enjoy it as a room
instead of just sleeping there.

And and. The one most relevant to you. Launch the new look of my site! I'm working on the layout/etc., and it will be coming soon. I'm very excited about it.

Happy New Year!


Daily thoughts...

The Other Yesterday: The Girl

The Other Yesterday

Yeah, I know it's hardly new or unknown, but I had never bothered to go see it before, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

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Anticipating: Christmas!
Wanting: Sleep
Thankful for: My pretty Christmas tree

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