The Other Yesterday: By Hand

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Thursday, January 02, 2003
    1:14 PM  
Happy New Year!

The Christmas presents I made were all received very well. More than very well. Everyone loved them. It was so exciting. I am still working on the roommate's second sock, though.

My craft-related New Year's Resolutions:

Knit (or finish) a sweater
Knit more for myself/what I want to knit
Try more things with patterns (rather than just a basic scarf or hat I make up as I go along)
Keep track of what I finish
Use up some stash
Organize stash

Cross stitch:
Stitch more
Organize stash
Keep track of what I finish

I'll let you know how I do!


A crafting blog

Current WIPs: baby sweater, blanket, scarf

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