The Other Yesterday: Wordcraft

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Monday, May 12, 2003
    11:19 AM  

I did it! I submitted something! Yay. And yes, I know I need to do that regularly, but it's still scary. I recently found a poem I'd written almost two years ago and thought was rather good. Not great, but not bad. Today I revised it a bit, gave it a title ("Eulogy for a Peach"), and e-mailed it to Poetry Bay, an online poetry magazine. I decided to try online markets with this one, as it's something old (read: I haven't put tons of work into it) and I'd like to get a few more writing credits relatively quickly before I try to break into bigger markets. I'm hoping that since it's all by e-mail, the response time will be quicker this way. And I won't have spent anything on postage.

I'm starting a "submissions out" count to keep track of these things over on the sidebar. :-)


    9:09 AM  
The eternal question

This weekend, for various reasons, I became even more determined in my decision to become writing-supported SOON, rather than later. So it brings up a question I've been wrestling with for years. Do I try to write short stories, which go quicker and are perhaps more easily published, or do I stick with novels?

I'd love to write short stories. I've written a few, mostly for college classes. My problem has always been coming up with plots for them. I seem to think in novel-length plots. Does anyone know how I can get over this???


A writing blog


Submissions out: 2

Upcoming deadlines:
May 25: "Chronicle" Writer's Digest entry
July 1: LMMI paper proposal
July 1: Exeter Poetry Anthology
July 15: Fall Knitty

Other writers:
Changeling Ink
Elizabeth Bear's Journal
Peg Kerr's Journal

Want to be linked here? Let me know!


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