The Other Yesterday: The Blog

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Thursday, June 26, 2003
    5:21 PM  
I wish that car outside would stop beeping its horn. Why do people DO that?

    3:41 PM  
Eek! Blogger is all... different!

Tuesday, June 24, 2003
    7:04 PM  
Yeah. I've calmed down now, by the way.

Time for dishes and Latin!

    6:06 PM  
I hate it that I don't really WANT to go to the park but I'm annoyed/upset because my roommate didn't invite me to go with him. Why do I DO this? I get mad at people for stupid stuff, and I know it's stupid so I don't tell them I'm mad, which just makes me madder. Argh. Not just my roommate. Other people too. I wish I could just get mad normally once in a while.

(And I hate that I wrote this here knowing he might see it but at the moment I don't care.)

Daily thoughts...

The Other Yesterday: The Girl

The Other Yesterday

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Anticipating: Pizza
Wanting: More time in the evenings
Thankful for: Harry Potter V!

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