The Other Yesterday: By Hand
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Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:37 PM One Down, and Found One Well, the seed stitch dishcloth is done! Yay! Unfortunately, it didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, so it won't be a gift after all. I'll just use it myself. The stitching was all okay and everything, it was just a little... askew? Sorta. And I'm a perfectionist. Unfortunately, right after I finished that I found a tote bag with another WIP in my bedroom. (Remember, I said I'd add those as I came across them.) It's a pair of kid's mittens for charity, and I'm just about up to the part where you separate out the thumb stitches on the first one. So, basically, not very far. But at least I finished something! Productive day! # Monday, September 22, 2003 6:06 PM THE LIST Well, I did it. I got all my WIPs from the living room (and one or two from the bedroom) sitting nicely together on the couch and typed them all up. Frogged a few things too far gone. So. I'm going to tell you about them, and then within the next few days will also get the list up on the sidebar here. And you will make me finish them!!! Right? Right? There are... 15 of them. 15. I think my goal is to be at 4-6 at all times. Anyone else want to join the WIP reduction club? THE WIPS Project: Diagonal striped variegated hat Intention: Started last winter when I realized I didn't have a hat I liked Status: Just needs finishing Comments: A little nervous about this, but I should just dig out the pattern and try. Project: Seed stitch dishcloth Intention: Will be added to the Christmas gift stock Status: Just needs ends woven in Comments: Umm, yeah. I should finish this. Project: White/blue/rose variegated garter stitch cushion Intention: Started this summer to sit on outside Status: A few more inches and stuffing Comments: Simple, pretty, mindless. It'll be quick gratification when I get back to it. Project: Purple sparkly hood (vaguely based on Smoke Ring from Knitting Goddess) Intention: I will have this to wear by the time the weather turns cold! Status: About half done Comments: Fun fun fun. This is what I've been knitting on the most of late. Project: Fisherman's Wool diamond & basketweave scarf Intention: Christmas. For whom? We'll see. Status: About ten inches in. Comments: One of my stash-reduction measures Project: Homespun prayer-type shawl (brown-ish) Intention: If it's as cuddly as I think it will be, I'll probably keep it Status: About eight inches in. Comments: I'd forgotten about this! Another stash-reduction attempt. Project: Turquoise acrylic baby hat Intention: Charity Status: About an inch and a half in. Comments: Don't buy single (small) skeins at the Dollar Store unless you REALLY want them. I'll plug away at it, though. Project: Cotton tote bag Intention: To further reduce my consumption of disposable plastic bags Status: Almost half done Comments: Haven't worked on it in a while, but I remember liking it. Project: Basic Homespun Sweater from first Knit It Intention: Me! I have still never finished a sweater. Status: Front is almost done. Comments: One of my New Year's resolutions was to finish a sweater. I will do it I will do it. And the kitten likes it to, as she's kneading it as I type. Project: Table runner sort of thing from Knitted Counterpanes Intention: To try out teeny lace knitting before I commit to a whole counterpane Status: First square about half done, I think. Comments: I had to return the book to the library, but I'll take it out again soon. Anyone have one they'd like to sell used? Project: Crocheted blanket-turned-scarf Intention: Scarf for charity, at this point. Status: Need to frog back to appropiate scarf-like point and weave in ends. Comments: Blanket started a while back that I have finally admitted I just don't like. But I realized the first section of it would make a fine scarf, so I'm frogging back to there and giving the blasted thing away. I'll knit hats and scarves for charity with the rest of the yarn. Work knitting (things intended for sale, rather than personal/gift/charity): Yellow farrow rib hat Needs ends woven in and a pompom. Must learn to make pompom. Pink standard square dishcloth Needs ends woven in. Pink standard square dishcloth 2 About 1/5 done. It lives in my purse. Grey triangle shawl The main work thing I'm working on now. Around a third done? Not sure, I'm writing the pattern as I go. # |