The Other Yesterday: The Blog
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Friday, May 24, 2002 12:38 PM I'm going to try to apply for some jobs this afternoon. Wish me luck! 9:09 AM Friday Five 1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having? Last night I dreamed that I got into my friend's mom's car while waiting for them, and it started on its own--it had weird superpowers and stuff. It was invisible (but I could see it...) and it started going and I couldn't make it stop. It was really scary. 2. Do you have any recurring dreams? Ever since I can remember, I've periodically had one about being about to step into the bathtub and at the last moment seeing that it's full of red and green crabs and lobsters with their claws out waiting to get me. It's odd--it used to be really scary, but now it's more sort of an "old friend." I also have a certain type of dream when I'm sick (especially when I have a fever). I can conjure up most of it when I think about it, but I've never been able to figure out how to describe it. 3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had? Oh gosh, there have been so many... I really don't know. I've gone through periods of my life during which I've had tons of nightmares one night after another.. I can't really pick one as the scariest. Although one that's up there involved me having to save the lives of two children I'm very close to (family friends, babysat them since they were born, etc.) and not being able to. Another involved being dead but still feeling almost like normal and wandering around my parents' house (as a ghost, I guess?) trying to convince them I was still there. 4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not? I've considered it, but haven't. Partially because I just haven't gotten around to it, and partially because many of them are so scary that I try not to think about/remember them too much. 5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it? I'm not sure. There have been times when I was sleeping and knew I was sleeping, but I'm not sure that's the same thing. It's a great feeling, though.
8:58 AM Happy Birthday, David! My baby brother turns twelve today. I can't believe it. He simply can't be that old already. He's growing up, and it's making me feel like such an adult. He's going to dances and everything. (I never did that at that age. But I can only hope that that means he'll fit in better than I did.) He's attending my middle school and has some of my old teachers this year--first time that's happened. It's really weird. He's supposed to be my baby still. Not this boy who's bigger and taller than me and who barely needs me anymore. I left home when he was eight, and one of my biggest regrets about that is missing so much of his growing up. I try to still be around as much as possible... but even when I am, it's not "cool" for a preteen boy to like his big sister. And I know that's normal and a phase, but it still hurts. I hope as he gets older we'll be able to get closer again. But he'll always be my baby boy.
Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:17 PM Questions from Theresa: 1. Where were you born? What do you know about your own birth? (time, circumstance, etc...) 2. Do you have a baby picture you can put onto your weblog? If not, tell us what you looked like as a baby. I don't have one at the moment, but I can get one next time I visit my parents. I was small and had dark hair. 3. What kind of a baby or toddler were you according to the people who were around when you were young? Well, as a baby, I was very very sick, so that sort of overshadows other attributes. As a toddler, I was apparently cute and charming and very smart. I'm, um, still pretty smart, at least... 4. Know any cute baby-related quotes? Let's see... my family moved when I was about two, and apparently a few days after the move I was sitting in the kitchen with my father and said something along the lines of "Yeah, this place is nice. When are we going home?" My father told the following story at my graduation party: When I was two or three, we were sitting at the table, and I sneezed, and he said "God bless you," and I said "thank you." A few minutes later, I looked at him and said "God bless you," and he said "thank you," and I said "Did you sneeze?" He says they should have known then what they were in for. ;-)
1:58 PM Mmm. Nothing like PBJ, Veggie Stix, and a good book. My aunt told me a neat trick of putting the peanut butter on both slices of bread, and the jelly in between... it makes it all much better, somehow. So I finished Cordina's Crown Jewel. It was really good. I would recommend it to anyone who likes romance or just wants to read something with a guaranteed happy ending for a change. I haven't read much non-historical romance (contemporary then, I guess) before, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Come to think of it, though, I've liked all the Nora Roberts I've read so far... I'll have to look for more. Suggestions?
1:11 PM So you might or might not have noticed that I hadn't talked about knitting much recently... that's because I hadn't been knitting much recently. With graduation and moving and everything, doing almost anything seemed to require way too much energy. But thanks to the 7 Things exchange I'm in, I picked up the needles today... and I'm knitting again! Yay! With #10 crochet thread and size 1 needles... fun fun fun! 11:54 AM I did it! I sent "Tea Ceremony" to the New Yorker. It's a long shot, but I figure I might as well try the big magazines first and then go to smaller ones. Just in case. I'll let you know what happens. I also finished/updated my resume! Finally! I'd been putting that off for quite a while. So. Quite a productive morning I guess, huh?
8:59 AM My kitten is adorable. She is having the most wonderfullest time playing with a mouse toy her friend Sundance sent her. And then coming to talk to me and get some petting and then running off to play more. Adorable. I love it here. 8:47 AM Lots of Dwarfs. Thanks Theresa! Wednesday, May 22, 2002 7:22 PM I'm reading Cordina's Crown Jewel by Nora Roberts. I haven't really read much contemporary romance before--I usually go for historical. So it's interesting. I think I like this one. I'll let you know a final verdict when I'm done. 6:06 PM I'm thinking about sending a poem to the New Yorker. Should I should I? 4:04 PM Sorry I haven't been posting much... I'm still really tired, trying to catch up on mail, etc. J and I finally started our joint bank account today. So that was exciting. And I realized I will only need to find a part time "real job," because I can pretty much almost support myself with just the freelancing!
8:17 AM Good morning! It's my first full day of official grown-upness! Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:53 PM I'm HOME!!!! 9:45 AM Still don't quite have the time or energy for a full report on graduation... I'll probably give you bits and pieces as I get inspired. But I get to go home to J today! I'm so excited. Home! A real home! I haven't felt like I had a home since I went away to college, really. At the moment, J and I are doing the "just best friends and roommates" thing, but it seems as though that is just a physical difference, not an emotional one... we seem to be extremely close at the moment. So that is good. Home home home! Oh Judy! You're here! Oh how exciting! When can we get together? E-mail me!
Monday, May 20, 2002 12:14 PM Hello everyone! I am indeed alive! And I have GRADUATED! I graduated magna cum laude AND I got the Department of Languages and Literature award! The huge party Saturday night went well. I more or less fell apart yesterday, but am better today. J left my parents' house yesterday to go back to the kitten and work--I'll be going up there tomorrow. I really wanted to go home last night, and he really wanted to take me, but I have relatives to visit with here and my brother's birthday party is tonight. So I am still in CT. I will fill you all in more on the ceremony and party once I have some time to relax and sleep and all. Oh, and I've never been this tired in my whole life. It's so weird knowing I have no schoolwork to do. Oh, and it SNOWED during my graduation!!!!! More tomorrow. Must go out with my grandmother now.