The Other Yesterday: The Blog
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Saturday, July 13, 2002 10:48 AM Hmm. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway. As you might or might not have noticed, I've added a "Daily Activities" section on the sidebar. These are things I want to try to do at least a little of every day. As I do them, I will 10:44 AM Oh! Blogger says it's not publishing but it did publish some of my stuff. Let's see if this works... 9:26 AM A bunch of "100 Greatest" lists having to do with rock and roll. I don't necessarily agree with them, but it's interesting. 8:53 AM Good morning! Saturday morning. Coffee and e-mail. Yum. Friday, July 12, 2002 4:30 PM A mailing list I'm on is posting wishes, so I thought I'd put mine here too... I wish I had some Slush (the way my relatives in Illinois make it). I wish I could get over my jet lag. I wish I had the energy to clean the apartment. (I WANT to, I'm just exhausted...) I wish I had a house and a garden. I wish J were home. I wish my Tessie-girl would come curl up on my lap. I wish I had money to buy exciting new clothes for my exciting new job. I wish I had unlimited time to read and write and craft and everything else. I wish I had a bigger kitchen. I wish something would come in the mail telling me one of the pieces I've submitted will be published. I wish I had friends in the area. (You online people are great, but it's tough being in a new place only knowing a few people!) I wish my new job didn't make me work during the meeting time of the book club I joined. I wish my throat would stop hurting. I wish I had some decaf iced tea. I wish I could meet you all! What do YOU wish right this instant?
3:59 PM The one bad thing about this job (so far) is that I can't drink anything, even water, while working. I had a can of soda during my lunch break, but still... When I get home I'm so so so so thirsty. Hmm. A thing that is both good and bad, depending on how you look at it: in the cafeteria at work, there is an ICE CREAM vending machine, including, among other things, Ben & Jerry's bars and Klondike Oreo thingies. Yum yum yum. Tonight I get to watch a taped CART race (from while I was away) and stitch stitch stitch!
3:16 PM Someone found me while searching for '"lucid dream" romance'. How very odd. 2:58 PM Home home home. It's so nice working. And it's so nice coming home, too.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 11:57 AM Everyone should go say Happy Anniversary to Aisling! (And Jason, LOL.) 9:08 AM I start WORK today! Me! Work! A real job! Wednesday, July 10, 2002 4:41 PM ![]() 4:31 PM A lot of my yuckiness today is because of traveling and jetlag, but I think some of it is just trying to absorb how much my life is changing right now. It occurred to me on the way home yesterday that for the first time EVER what I am doing is not by definition temporary (well, except in that EVERYTHING is temporary, but you know what I mean) and with a definite end. School and college are temporary. And summer jobs in between are temporary. But this is not a summer job. I'm not going to be a student worker this time. That's so so so so weird. Things always being temporary mean that it doesn't matter so much whether you like them. And temporary means you shouldn't get too attached. Now neither of those is the case. And this isn't all a process of getting to a certain place/point the way that school is. This is IT. This is where I was going. And it's a good place, but it was a hell of a shock realizing that this IS "real adult life." WTF am I supposed to do with that? I just haven't figured out what this all means yet. 4:07 PM Okay, that did not take long. I put away the dry dishes and washed another dishrack-full of dishes, which was most of them. And I determined that I have what is necessary to make something along the lines of pasta and meat sauce for dinner. So I feel like I actually got something done today. Now I am eating tortilla chips and salsa. Yum. 4:04 PM Why do people do these things to children? 3:43 PM I know I keep saying this, but... I am so frickin tired and listless today. I just can't do anything. I don't even have the energy to read e-mail. I'm sitting here just chatting intermittantly and reading e-mails or blogs or journals once in a while and crocheting a little. I updated two pages on my site, so that was good, but that's really all I've gotten accomplished today. No laundry or cleaning or unpacking or anything. No baking cookies for Aisling and Lance. No writing and not even much reading. I just can't can't can't can't can't do anything. And since I can't do anything I'm all lonely and I want my roommate to come home already. But he won't be home for another two hours or so. Ugh. Okay. Enough with the self-pity. I'm going to go do some dishes and plan dinner and get some chips and salsa for a snack. I'll report back in a bit.
2:24 PM I read a bunch during the trip. Go here to see! 1:45 PM Sorry I haven't said much about the trip yet. I'm really feeling horrible at the moment... all tired and achy and jetlaggy. I can't think clearly enough to write anything coherent. 8:56 AM ![]() Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz 8:42 AM How well do you know me? Come find out! Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:17 PM I'm HOOMMMMEEEE!!!!!!!! |