The Other Yesterday: Biblioblog

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Friday, August 09, 2002
    1:02 PM  
Still reading The Magic Circle. It's really really good. It includes all sorts of stuff like Mary Magdalen and the Precession of the Equinox and all that mythical/spiritual stuff I love.

I've been saying I would finish it for the past several days, but I really WILL today. (I hope. LOL)

And once I finish, I will write a better review of it up. So you all have that to look forward to. ;-)


Wednesday, August 07, 2002
    9:34 AM  
The Magic Circle is getting addictive. I'm about 120 pages in, and ideally I'd like to finish it today. I think my day is going to be alternating reading with house stuff... like this morning, I put away the dishes, read a section, did the breakfast dishes, read a section, cleaned the crock pot, read a section. And now I will take a shower/get dressed and read some more. And then try to get lots of house stuff done and read lots. We'll see how that goes.


A record of my reading.

Reading: The Magic Circle by Katherine Neville


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