The Other Yesterday: The Blog
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Friday, May 10, 2002 3:24 PM I've rediscovered the joys of the Message Boards. Thanks Aishy! 1:16 PM Ever put a load of laundry into the washing machine, only to discover that the detergent bottle is empty? Sigh. 9:27 AM Something all you moms (and everyone else) should look at... Seventeen Seconds to Sophie. 9:14 AM Oh dear, I hear sirens. I suppose I'll have to get used to that living in a city now... but I sort of don't WANT to get used to it. You know? 9:01 AM 'morning! Winding bobbins as I read e-mail... fun fun fun... Thursday, May 09, 2002 1:21 PM Bad News for Harry Potter Fans 12:42 PM I was all set to make an amazing sandwich for lunch when I discovered that J took all the pepperoni with him to work. Sigh. 11:45 AM Congrats Kate on her new space! Go see her! 11:32 AM Yay!!!! My journals are done and sent and printing! So now I'm completely done with that class! It's so exciting. The class is interesting but had tons of busywork that I kept getting behind on, so I had a whole lot to do, but now I'm DONE! Of course, I still have some work and finals for Logic and Italian, but those are much more fun. All the yucky stuff is done. Okay, I'm going to take a shower and get dressed and get some lunch, and then I'll catch up on e-mail and read all my Daily Reads and start posting interesting things again! Maybe I'll even work on my site! Or read a book! Wow! How great!
8:35 AM 'morning all. In NH! Yay! Finishing those journals... Wednesday, May 08, 2002 3:05 PM Ack!! I have no more classes here ever! It's so weird! I feel lost. 1:29 PM Breastfed Babies Are Smarter! 1:19 PM The theses are all handed in and I have my balloon! (The Dean gives each senior a balloon when the theses are in.) The presentation/prank was really fun. I can't believe it's done. I realized, though, that if I wanted to participate fully in the prank and celebration, I wouldn't be able to finish those journals I was doing. So I talked to the prof and he's letting me hand them in tomorrow. I'll work on them for a few hours tomorrow morning (starting right when J leaves for work) and then e-mail them to one of the wonderful librarians, who will print them and hand them in. (No, our librarians don't do that as a general service. I'm special. ;-) ) I decided that getting to participate fully today was worth having to work tomorrow. It's DONE!!!! I can't believe it. Oh yeah! And my thesis title? I Saw Eternity. Like it?
9:06 AM Okay, must disconnect so I have one less distraction and can actually get everything I need to do today done. See you when it's over! Wish me luck!
8:05 AM Finished the second part of what I have to do! Just the journals left. I think I'm going to get all set up for them (find the pieces, write headings, etc.) and then do the other stuff I have to do--take a shower and get dressed, get packed, make sure I get down to the library in time for thesis presentation prep. Then I can do the actual journal writing later if I have to--or at least as much of it as I can get done. We'll see. Wish me luck!
6:19 AM Yay, finished the first of the three things I have to hand in today! Of course, the third will be by far the longest, but I'm doing it last because it's slightly less important and I can probably get away with not including all of the parts if I really don't have time (it's responses to class/others' translations). Next up is the "what did I learn about translation" piece. Eek. I think I need some coffee first.
5:22 AM Thanks for all your help and support last night, everyone. It was mostly stress, I think. Hopefully it will all get better soon. Thanks. Today's the big day! We hand in the theses to the Dean (it's always a big production or prank involved) and then this afternoon I'm handing out the lit mag during registration. (Won't be registering, obviously--weird!!) And then I get to leave at 4:30 for NH!
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:13 PM WHY does this happen every single semester??? The one night that I REALLY should be either up doing work or asleep so I can do work the next day, I end up getting to a big important conversation with someone. Not even a particular someone every semester... various people. WHY??? 7:10 PM I've stopped crying, mostly, but am still feeling the same way. I don't know if it would be better to push aside all my confusion and uncertainty and overwhelmedness by doing something like feverishly working on this site and waiting until I actually have TIME to deal with it all, or what. I'm inclined toward that, since part of it is really just a time thing--everything's changing and there's nothing I can do about it. 6:50 PM I'm sitting here crying and I don't know why. Just nothing and everything and too much all at once. And now my housemates are in the kitchen so I can't even leave my room unless I want to explain why I'm crying.
5:57 PM Rrrgh! I can't get the whole Blogs by Women thing onto one line!!! 5:34 PM Yay, I think I did it! Heehee. I love rings and cliques. Any suggestions?
5:23 PM Trying to add the Blogs by Women code. Why isn't it working?? 4:54 PM I'm thinking of going to bed at 9:30 or so and getting up really early to work, since I have absolutely NO energy or motivation right now. What do you think? 3:22 PM Have two signatures on the thesis! The other two to sign are out, perhaps all week. So I might have to hand it in like this. We'll see. Now I'm waiting to see if the bookstore actually gets the binders we need in...
1:47 PM Judy is saying something really important here. Go read it. Right now. Yes, you. 1:38 PM I want a garden. 12:10 PM I feel like I just gave birth to twins. My thesis is done and printed! Just need signatures and it's set. And the lit mag (I'm the editor) has arrived from the printer--I get to see it in a few hours. I'm exhausted.
8:27 AM Yay, it worked! Yay yay yay! Time to go print thesis!!! It's almost DONE!!!
7:19 AM 'morning! Trying to do rotating links... let's see if it worked! Monday, May 06, 2002 10:16 PM New Week's Resolutions 1. Actually enjoy the whole handing in thesis/end of classes thing. 2. Get a lot of moving done. 3. Make time to read, knit, and stitch. 4. Move without annoying J too much! 10:03 PM In case anyone managed to miss Aishy's news, go read it! 9:56 PM Participation Positives 1. My thesis is very close to being done! 2. I had a great weekend with J and Tess. 3. Two days from now I will be back with them! 4. I'm having tons of fun with my new site. 5. I've gotten into stitching again! 7:55 PM
6:40 PM Okay, you can see that I've got the KnitBlogs ring, Aortal, and Blogsnob up now. This blog is coming right along... any other suggestions? 6:02 PM It seems when I try to use images, only the top half loads! Why?? Also--how do I make my links not be underlined??
5:50 PM Instead of listing all the blogs I read down the side of the page like at my old blog, I've decided to make a Daily Reads link. I hope it's useful! I would like to do rotating links, though. Help? Someone?
3:36 PM The bookstore is OUT of thesis binders. OUT! Theses are due on WEDNESDAY. Today is Monday. How is this acceptable??? 1:32 PM Hi all! Ideas for the site coming along nicely. We'll see how it goes.. Having an incredibly frustrating day. People being late, absent, etc. Errgh.
6:48 AM Okay, I think it's all working! Now I really have to do some work... 6:24 AM Did the Sitemeter show up?? 5:28 AM test... |