The Other Yesterday: The Blog

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Friday, May 17, 2002
    6:24 PM  

    3:08 PM  
Drumroll please...

I got Honors on my thesis! That (combined with my GPA) means that I'm graduating magna cum laude!!!


    10:57 AM  
Yay, the Friday Five is back!

1. What shampoo do you use? It depends. Whatever looks interesting and is on sale. Often Pert Plus, since that's what J uses.

2. Do you use conditioner? What kind? Yes, if I'm not using shampoo that has conditioner in it (like Pert Plus). I'll often get one that goes with whatever shampoo I got.

3. When was the last time you got your hair cut? A few days before Thanksgiving. I should get it cut again soon.

4. What styling products do you use? Usually, none. Occasionally a little gel or hair spray for special occasions.

5. What's your worst hair-related experience? Umm... hmm. I really can't think of any. I'll let you know if I do...


    10:52 AM  
Okay, since Jennifer and Julie asked...

After graduation, I am moving to Nashua, NH to live with J (just as best friends/roommates, for the moment at least) and Tess (the kitten). My goal is to become a professional writer, so I will be looking for a day job (ideally in a library, book store, or craft store) that will pay the bills and give me time to write (and craft, read, etc.) before/after work. I.e. something in which I go to work for certain hours and then go home and don't have to worry about work while I'm not actually there.

Of course, if anyone knows of any jobs in the area...


Thursday, May 16, 2002
    10:48 PM  
They're making me leave!

This is the bad part of graduation. As much as I complain about this place, I love it. And part of me really really doesn't want to leave. But I don't have a choice. And I feel so betrayed. And I'm taking it out on J because he's there.

We had the graduation dinner tonight... graduates, thesis advisors, administrators, board of directors, all that. And the Dean talked about the school and went through all the theses and talked about them and I had fun with the people I was sitting with and just generally had a great time. And it made me fall in love with this place all over again. And now they're making me leave.

I hate this!!!!


    5:41 PM  
Hmm.... Colorgenics

    5:25 PM  
Judy commented! Judy, are you really back??

    10:14 AM  
A few months ago, when my mother asked what I wanted for dessert on Saturday, my first thought was strawberries dipped in chocolate (what are those CALLED? Why can't I think of it? Why did my brain stop?), both because I like them and because I associate them with graduation (they're my middle school's big graduation reception tradition). She had, very sensibly I thought, said there was no way she could be trying to do that while setting up a party for 50 people. And I had more or less forgotten about it.

Well, I was talking to her today, and she mentioned my godmother going home between the ceremony and party to "change into something dressier, get Aunt Tessie, and do the strawberries." Do the WHAT? Apparently my godmother really wanted to make/bring something special, so she's making me chocolate-dipped strawberries! So incredibly exciting!


Wednesday, May 15, 2002
    10:42 PM  
Ooh, look at this: Wearing Wool.

    10:32 PM  
Knitting Haiku

    4:45 PM  
Neat link from LoobyLou: Daypop.

    4:37 PM  
I'm done!

(Sorry. Just have to keep saying it.)


    4:36 PM  

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

    4:32 PM  

Who's Your Movie Sidekick? Find out @ She's Crafty

Umm. I don't actually have any idea who that is. Oh well.


    4:14 PM  
I'm DONE! Done done done! No more schoolwork! None! I can't believe it! It hasn't really sunk in yet. It's so weird. What do I DO?

Well. I pack. Yes. But.. you know. In a more general sense.


    10:49 AM  
Well... finished my Italian compositions and enough of the workbook to be okay with handing it in. And I just took my oral. It was very scary. But it went okay. The rest of the exam is at 12. Eesh. But then I'm DONE!

I'm surprisingly untired at the moment, considering I got up at 3. Wonder if I'll make it to Enterprise? We'll see. It will be very nice to just watch Enterprise without worrying about schoolwork. Wow. It will be very nice to do ANYTHING without worrying about schoolwork. Amazing.

Oh wow. I just got a new freelance contract and I might get up to $1395 with this next batch. That would be really nice. Between that and the check in the mail and graduation presents ($75 so far), I might not have to use any of my savings. Good good.

Now I just need to find a job. Oh, and pack. I suppose packing comes first.

Okay, going to finish studying for Italian.


    3:12 AM  
Ugh. Yes, I'm a morning person. But having to get up this early is just too much.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002
    4:49 PM  
Yay, got my batch of freelance work done! Yay yay yay.

    2:51 PM  
Just got out of my logic final! One final done, one to go. Updates might be scarce until next week... we'll see. Busy finishing work and packing. Things weird with J, per usual. But I think I have a better perspective on it now than I did last night.

And I have to get up to work the 4-8 am shift in the library tomorrow morning!


Monday, May 13, 2002
    11:01 PM  
Ugh I will just go to sleep. That will make it all better. Right?

    10:35 PM  
I need to talk to someone. I really really do. But there's no one on to talk to.

(Katelinnea on AIM and Yahoo Messenger, if you want to IM me. Please.)


    5:22 PM  
Yay, comments are back.

Much as I love New England, sometimes I wonder... all we were hearing was drought drought drought and now we have flood warnings. Sigh. It's good that we're getting rain. But there is now a LAKE around the building I'm in, and my feet are very very wet.

And part of the reason my feet are wet is because I walked to the College Center to get a soda, and there was NO Diet Coke. Only regular. I switched to Diet a few months ago, and now the regular tastes weird. Huh.


    4:59 PM  
Where are my comments??

    4:00 PM  
How do you use a drop spindle?

I got a drop spindle as a gift a few years ago, but never had time to do much with it. This weekend I went to the NH Sheep and Wool Festival (more about that later) and my interest was definitely rekindled. Anyone have any tips??


    3:55 PM  
Participation Positives

1. Almost all schoolwork done!
2. I'm going to graduate!!
3. I had a nice first Mother's Day with my kitten.
4. J and Tess love me.
5. Soon I will have TIME to do all the things I don't have time for now, like think of more positives!


    3:36 PM  
New Week's Resolutions

Just one this week... finish everything and stay sane through graduation!!!


    2:48 PM  
I'm back! Hope you didn't all give up on me. More soon!

Daily thoughts...

The Other Yesterday: The Girl

The Other Yesterday


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