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Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:07 PM Ugh. We just watched Sphere. It was GOOD... it was just SCARY. I've seen it before but forgot how scary it was. J hadn't seen it before, so we watched it. Scary scary scary. I don't want to go to bed because I'll be scared. But it's nice having cable!
1:25 PM Yay!!!! We have our cable modem set up!!! Friday, June 14, 2002 4:04 PM Friday Five 1. How often do you do laundry? Probably on average once a week. 2. What's in a typical wash load? I sort J and my clothes together, usually, and do a few loads. Throw sheets and/or towels in. 3. Front or top loader? Powder or liquid detergent? Top loader (there are two for the building). As for detergent... I think I tend to buy liquid and J tends to buy powder, so it depends. Right now, powder. 4. Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle? Not usually. 5. Dryer or clothesline? Dryer for lack of anything else at the moment, but I really want to get a rack to hang some things. That would save money, too. Ugh, this reminds me I have to go buy laundry tokettes from the rental office.
3:59 PM I am SOOO frustrated with my freelancing work. It's for an "international" series so it's all these authors who wrote in Finnish and other bizarre languages and I need to find out when they wrote all their books and stuff and it's HARD. And I thought I would finish and send it today but I hadn't calculated in the language issues so I can't, so I will have to send it tomorrow or Monday and pay more postage. And my throat hurts, and I generally don't feel good, but I have to drive in about an hour because I am picking up J at work so we can get to this party on time... and I won't know anyone at the party besides J and his parents (it's for a family friend, sorta) so that's all weird and making me nervous. And it's finally hitting me that my trip is coming up in a week and I really have to pack at some point, and to deal with the fact that I will be without J and our little Tessie-girl for two and a half weeks. Argh. 11:20 AM ![]() Which Willy Wonka character are you? made by 9:31 AM 'morning! Tons of work today. Won't be around much until it's done. Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:17 PM I got a bunch of "reduced for quick sale" veggies yesterday, so I think dinner tonight will be a big vegetable soup/stew (depending on how it comes out..) and Irish Soda Bread. Yum yum yum. 11:55 AM So I had a really good time at the book group last night! I will definitely be going back. There were about seven people there in all--an older lady, a lady in her 30s or so, a couple around my parents' age, and a younger guy (late 20s to early 30s--yes, I flirted a little, but he's really too old for me). The woman who runs it is actually the store manager, and she's really nice. She said if the library job doesn't go through, I should apply there and she will probably hire me. So that was exciting. After the discussion I went to the cafe with the couple and the younger guy, and that was fun too. The coffee I got wasn't great--a "decaf Tiramisu au lait." But it was okay, and I had a yummy peppermit cookie. And it was fun just talking to people. I got two cookbooks from the bargain table and the mystery book for next month--I will post about them later. It was really nice just being there and talking to new people and stuff. I really want to meet people around here. I've been looking around online for other book groups but haven't found much. So we'll see. I'm really working on making my life not revolve around J so much. Yes, he's my best friend and roommate, but we need to have our own lives. And I really need to try dating someone else. But I don't want to focus on that part, really... J is just always trying to meet girls--he doesn't seem to consider it a priority right now to just make FRIENDS. But I think that's really more important--just meeting people I have things in common with, and who knows what could happen. Right?
11:39 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: Do you have a laptop or desktop or both? If both, which do you use more often? Don't answer here, go there!
10:27 AM Okay, not only am I hungry, I suddenly want ice cream. It's 10:30 am, for goodness sake. 10:21 AM I am SOOO hungry. I don't know why. Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5:36 PM This morning I read The Complete Herb Gardener. I got it at Barnes and Noble the other day with a gift card. It was a neat book--a really good introduction. I had planned to go to the garden center today to get some seeds and plants and planters and stuff, but it was raining too hard. Hopefully tomorrow! And tonight I'm going to Borders for their monthly mystery discussion! I've never been before, and I'm sort of nervous. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 4:02 PM Go map your mood at! 3:31 PM A new find, from my referrals: Sourtimes.Net 10:11 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: What's your favorite movie? Don't answer here, go there!
10:06 AM I just finished reading Hearse of a Different Color by Tim Cockey. Yes, my sidebar says I'm reading something else, and I am... it's just that I took a break to read the Cockey book for a mystery discussion at Borders tomorrow. It was really good! Somewhat different from what I normally read, but I would highly recommend it. Monday, June 10, 2002 6:34 PM I just played Age of Empires all afternoon. It's fun! 11:54 AM Personal Yarns Desert isle keepers With all essentials being taken care of, what ... (non-knitting) book - Tough one. Possibly The Annotated Anne of Green Gables movie - music - umm... hmm. I don't know. Some Bach, perhaps? How about my violin so I could make my own music? food - Probably ice cream. knitting book, yarn & needles - Knitting Without Tears. And probably some sock yarn and my Brittany size 2 DPNs.
10:16 AM New Week's Resolutions 1. Keep getting enough sleep. 9:57 AM Participation Positives 1. I had a nice weekend. 9:19 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: Have you ever named your home? Don't answer here, go there!
Sunday, June 09, 2002 8:59 AM Heehee. J said I will be one of about eight women at the computer show, so I'm wearing a tank top and shortish shorts. Figure I might as well make the most of it, no? |