The Other Yesterday: The Blog

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Saturday, July 20, 2002
    9:36 AM  
Sorry I disappeared! My Internet connection wasn't working yesterday. Just writing this quickly from work now. J made the connection work again when he got home, but then we had dinner and went out for ice cream and watched a movie and then it was bedtime, so I didn't actually go online. It was a very nice evening, though.

Thursday, July 18, 2002
    10:29 AM  
Hmm. Also tell me what browser/version you're using, please?

    10:28 AM  
Will someone do me a favor? Go to pretty much any page of my site--Kat Stitches!, for example--and leave a comment telling me the colors you see and whether they're readable. Thanks!

    9:38 AM  
Hmm. Blogger will not let me edit my template.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002
    2:55 PM  
Remind me to never again tell anyone that I'm craving pickles.

Argh. I guess I just told everyone, huh?


    2:53 PM  
Lots o' new stuff up. Go look at The Other Yesterday: The Girl. Everything in Kat Stitches has been updated, as well as in With a Good Book.

    12:09 PM  
WHY do they not make toaster slots wide enough for bagels??

    8:47 AM  
'morning! I'm planning to work on the site a lot today. Yay.

And we have a new feature here at The Blog... I've decided that the top link in the right column will be a daily featured link within my own site, to a page I have added or updated recently. Hopefully this will both let my readers know what I'm up to and get more traffic for other parts of the site.


Tuesday, July 16, 2002
    5:33 PM  
Happy Birthday Aisling!

    5:04 PM  
This afternoon, I was headed to the bank and the grocery store. Now, these two places are in the same plaza, but rather far from each other. I parked closer to the grocery store, but wanted to walk to the bank first. Unfortunately, from where I was parked, I had to cross the entrance to the plaza. As I got there, it suddenly got very busy, and there didn't seem like there would ever be a big enough break in the cars for me to walk across.

So I did the sensible thing... I walked over to the side so I could walk along near the stores for a while and cross the parking lot in a less busy place. It was SURELY not my fault that the way the plaza was set up made me walk straight toward Joann Fabrics....

.... AND it was just my luck that they were having a Sidewalk Sale (very little of which was actually outside. But that's a different story). So I just HAD to go in, now didn't I???

I discovered a whole section of cross stitch kits that were on clearance AND were 20% off the clearance price! Now, at that sort of deal, you can't blame me for looking... right??

So there were two other kits that just insisted that they HAD to come home with me. What was I to do, disappoint them?

The first was a Janlynn kit called Rose Tree Cottage.
The second was a Bucilla kit called Paper Dolls. It reminded me so much of the old-fashioned paper dolls I used to love... I just had to!

I got both kits for $15.26, so I didn't think that was bad. And, after all, I finally finished a project on Sunday, so that means I could get something new, right??


    4:18 PM  
Well, I finished that Sweet Valley Twins book in one sitting. It was okay. I'm trying to read lots of Middle Grade books so that I can learn how to write one, so I'll probably read more Sweet Valleys. But they're not great. I think the Baby-sitters Club is better done. Maybe the difference is that the Baby-sitters Club makes me actually care about the characters. Hmm. Well, I like Elizabeth in the Sweet Valley books, but it seems as though Jessica has very few redeeming qualities. Do others feel that way, or is it just me?

Next up: Ben & Jerry's: The Inside Scoop. That will be fun. And make me want to eat lots of ice cream, I'm sure.


    10:20 AM  
'morning. I finally finished Outlander! Very very good. Everyone should go read it. Now!

Monday, July 15, 2002
    3:08 PM  
New Aortal: It's the site of a great singer/songwriter around here who is about to come out with his debut album. There are mp3s up for your listening pleasure. Go give him a try!

    3:04 PM  
Happy Monday.

Participation Positives

1. Had a good weekend.
2. Actually finished a stitching project!
3. Reading a good book.
4. My new job is going well.
5. J and Tess love me.

New Week's Resolutions

1. Keep stitching and reading a lot.
2. Exercise more.
3. Eat better.
4. Write!
5. Make obvious visible progress in putting the apartment together.


Daily thoughts...

The Other Yesterday: The Girl

The Other Yesterday


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Anticipating: TNG tonight and new yarn!
Wanting: Water
Thankful for: Being home!

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