The Other Yesterday: The Blog
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Friday, August 09, 2002 1:41 PM The Friday Five 1. Do you have a car? Yup! A '98 (I think) blue Honda Civic. 2. Do you drive very often? Almost every day. I have to drive to work, but sometimes on weekends or days off I don't. When we're going somewhere together, J usually drives. Not really sure why. 3. What's your dream car? Ummm.... ummm.... I'm really not sure. 4. Have you ever received a ticket? Nope. 5. Have you ever been in an accident? Not while driving.
12:49 PM I just got my first paycheck at the library job! Yay!!! Thursday, August 08, 2002 7:28 PM ![]() You are an angel. What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox 7:15 PM OH WOW!!!! 7:12 PM ![]() 6:18 PM
Take the Polygeek Quiz at 6:11 PM hungry hungry hungry wanna go home and eat and read my book
5:53 PM ![]() What Obscure Animal are you? 5:20 PM I hate it when patrons get all offended when I don't remember their names. Yes, I've seen you before, but do you KNOW how many people I see here every day? Ugh. It's not a personal insult, people. 2:24 PM There was a birth on Star Trek last night. Very exciting. 1:31 PM I have not been very productive the past few days. Reading reading reading. Wednesday, August 07, 2002 7:36 PM My co-worker just went to take her break. And we close in 21 minutes. How very strange. 7:04 PM Tuesday This-or-That 1. What's your personal clothing style...trendy or classic? Classic, usually. 2. Do you shop for designer names or stick with the more generic brands? I like some designer stuff like L.L. Bean, but I usually get generic stuff because that's what I can afford. I'd like to start making a lot of my own clothes. 3. Work clothes: dressy or casual? Fairly dressy. 4. Days off style: dressy or casual? Usually casual. Depends on what I'm doing. 5. Women: high heels or flats? Men: Wing-tips or work boots? I have both. It depends. 6. Do you have a large wardrobe, or just a few carefully selected pieces? Like Aisling said... I have too many clothes I don't wear. 7. Do you shop for clothing at stores or from catalogs/internet? I love catalogs, but recently I've been shopping mostly at places like Target and Kohl's that are less expensive than catalogs. 8. Are most of your clothes dry-clean only or machine-washable? Most are machine washable. 9. You buy an article of clothing and realize it is all wrong for you when you get home. Return or keep it? Return it! 10. Hats: yes or no? Sometimes.
6:44 PM Four hours of Enya WILL drive me crazy. 6:19 PM I hate it that I feel like I cannot talk to people around my age. I just can't. I always feel like they're talking down to me, treating me like a little kid, thinking I'm weird. Maybe a lot of this is because I didn't finish high school. I skipped those two years (11th and 12th grade) but somehow I always feel younger than people who did finish high school. But that's silly. I don't know. I feel like I just ... MISSED something somewhere. A vital set of instructions on how to be a teenager, or something. What to do with makeup and with my hair and what kind of clothes to wear and how to talk to people. I just missed all that. I don't know how, but I did. And now I'm not a teenager anymore, but I still feel that lack of something. It may be all in my head. I don't know. But there's just this barrier between me and people my age and I hate it. How am I ever going to make friends if I don't FEEL like they're my peers? How am I ever going to find anyone to date, for goodness sake? J is near(ish) my age and he doesn't make me feel like that. And he is the only person I have ever dated. But as much as I love him (in whatever sense of the word I might be using at the moment--it changes daily), I would really really like to just go on a date with someone. For the experience of doing so, if nothing else. I think it would do wonders for my self-esteem. And that sounds incredibly shallow. Argh. I just think it would help put EVERYTHING in my life right now in much better perspective if I didn't feel like the only possibilities for my future were to end up with J or end up alone. I just want SOMEONE to show some sort of interest in me. As a friend, as a date, whatever. I'm incredibly sick of only having one friend in the area. It isn't healthy, for me or for my friendship with J. I'm sick of making him put up with being my only friend. And will I regret this right after I post it? I don't know. Oh well.
9:13 AM Oooh... haven't looked here lately.... Tuesday, August 06, 2002 3:55 PM OH I have a wonderful cuddly kitten... 10:37 AM It's really cool out today! I'm so excited! I was going to go swimming, but I think it might actually be too cold! Heh. Can you tell I like cold weather?
Monday, August 05, 2002 10:24 PM Participation Positives 1. I had a good birthday. 10:20 PM New Week's Resolutions 1. Get back in a good cleaning schedule. 1:51 PM ![]() Which flock do you follow? this quiz was made by alanna 12:23 PM ![]() what movie symbolism are you? find out! 11:34 AM Ooh, nifty! Go register at BlogTree! Thanks to Heather for the link. 10:09 AM An interesting breast-feeding protest in a nearby city 9:31 AM From the newspaper astrologer: "Everything you do today you'll do in such a manner that you make your activities appear exciting. I hope you like company because this enthusiasm will attract others to flock about you." Well then. I'm sure that explains why there are currently NO patrons in the library, now doesn't it?
8:46 AM Well, here I am, on a sunny hot August morning in lovely New Hampshire, sitting in my nice air-conditioned library, listening to my new CD and reading the newspaper. Life is good. Well. Slight revision: the sky suddenly looks awfully dark, so we might get a fun thunderstorm. That would still be good. I have also discovered that no one else is coming in until two o'clock today. Which means that for 5 1/2 hours of my 6-hour shift, I'm on my own. So much for a lunch break.