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Saturday, June 08, 2002 9:13 PM I am going crazy from being thirsty. I don't understand. I've been drinking water for a few hours now and my stomach feels like it can't take anymore. But I am still extremely thirsty. I don't know what to do. 7:50 PM I found two new stores! It's very exciting. The first is called Earth Energies. It's another organic/natural type store. It doesn't have any perishable food, and the grains and stuff are in smaller amounts than at the other store. But they have some other neat things that the other store didn't have. Plus a good book and tea and toiletries selection. So I will be going back there. The other store I found today I'm REALLY excited about. It's a small independent grocery store called Soucy's! It has enough selection but not so much that it's overwhelming, and the prices are good. I'm really thrilled with it. I've decided I'll try to do my regular shopping there, supplemented by Earthward and Earth Energies. Yay!! And at Soucy's I got basil, dill, and parsley seeds! So I will be planting more of my herb garden this week. I need to figure out where to get pots and soil. So I've decided that I want a computer game to play. And J and I are going to a computer show thing tomorrow, and he said that there will be lots of cheap games there. So... any suggestions? I was sort of thinking something with a historical basis (like Pharoah or Caesar III or something) but I'm pretty open. Please give me ideas!
10:47 AM Finished that batch of freelancing stuff! Yay! Off to mail it! Friday, June 07, 2002 12:35 PM I got my new address labels in the mail today! Yay! And my first bank statement! LOL, I get such exciting mail... It has stopped raining and is starting to get brighter out, and I feel better already. I've been working pretty quickly and am almost done with this batch. When I finish, I think I'll definitely go to Barnes and Noble... a nice incentive, no? I have to publicly state how wonderful Aisling is for telling me that sitting backwards in my chair would make my back hurt less. Now it doesn't hurt when I stand, only when I bend over! So we're getting there!
9:39 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: When's your birthday? Don't answer here, go there!
9:38 AM I'm getting rather sick of these dark, rainy days. It's weird... I usually don' t mind dark weather, and sometimes even like it. But recently... I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't have all that much light in my room. I need to get a really bright light. J said I can go sit in his room with the halogen lamp when I want to, but I can't work in there because there's no Internet connection. I'm hoping to get this batch of copyediting done today, so then I will go out and send it, and there will be lights at the post office. Maybe after that I'll go to Barnes and Noble with my gift cards. More lights. And books. That could be fun.
Thursday, June 06, 2002 10:26 PM Ugh I'm getting sick of dial-up and of having the only Internet access be in my room. It will be much better when J and I can be in our own rooms sometimes. 1:52 PM Daily Reads is on hiatus at the moment while I work on updating it. The rotating links are still here, though! 8:46 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: What's the weather like where you are right now? Don't answer here, go there!
8:35 AM My Bloginality is INTJ!!! 8:28 AM 'morning! I forgot to mention that I've made a new page recording what I've read this year. Go look at it here! Wednesday, June 05, 2002 10:18 PM Today I made chicken broth/soup from scratch for the first time. I'm very proud of myself. 3:41 PM Well, my interview went really well! The people were great and the library was really nice. They spent most of the time trying to convince me that I wanted to work there, and then showing me around with what I would be doing and stuff. I was there for about an hour. When I left, the librarian said that she wanted to hire me and just needed to send my application to the state for approval. So that's really exciting! 12:08 PM Getting offline to eat lunch and stuff and then go to my interview at 2... wish me luck!!! 10:29 AM Must convince kitten that newspaper is not a toy. 9:40 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: When you watch TV, do you just watch, or do you do something else simultaneously? Don't answer here, go there!
9:35 AM Well, I slept for about 9 1/2 hours last night (9-6:30) and I am feeling much better, both physically and emotionally. Yay. Although I am still nervous about my interview today. Tuesday, June 04, 2002 7:55 PM And now he says he doesn't want to snuggle while watching tv anymore. 7:46 PM Rrrr I have to stop DOING this. Stuff with J is not worth getting upset about. Or is it? I don't know. I just don't know anymore. (What's going on is that he's having an old friend [with whom he's hooked up in the past] visit while I'm in Italy--she just happens to be nearby then for a summer job. And he's planning on hooking up with her again, of course. I can't decide whether to care or not.)
3:42 PM Aww. My dad's so sweet. He just sent me a big long e-mail of job interview advice. I was supposed to go to my first knitting guild meeting tonight but the idea of driving does not sound feasible right now. Darn.
1:57 PM Do you like to read? Come play! The Other Yesterday Reading Challenge!
1:21 PM So I went to take a shower to see if that would make me feel less yucky, and the water was all hot/cold weird. Ugh. And now I'm eating yogurt because it's smooth and my throat likes it but I'm not sure my tummy does.
9:58 AM Ugh. Feeling horribly yucky today. Apparently the person who is supposed to interview me is sick too, though, and rescheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be better by then. 9:24 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: Today's question: pajamas! What do you wear to bed? Don't answer here, go there!
Monday, June 03, 2002 10:39 AM New Week's Resolutions 1. Get caught up on copyediting. 10:25 AM Participation Positives 1. Job interview tomorrow! 10:16 AM Woo-hoo! On Saturday, I saw an online job listing for a Library Intern position, 20 hrs/week, at the local community college library. I sent my resume, and this morning I got an e-mail saying that they want to meet me this week! So I e-mailed them back, and then got a reply from them suggesting tomorrow at two! This is so exciting!
9:15 AM I'm drinking decaf coffee, but I feel very caffeinated all of a sudden. Very very weird. 8:44 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: Do you have a favorite number? If so, what is it? Don't answer here, go there!
Sunday, June 02, 2002 11:21 PM Growing Herbs Indoors 11:03 PM I had a really delightful afternoon/evening today. We went to some yard sales, as we often do on Sundays. None of them were terribly exciting, but in the process we found both a Girl Scout cookie sale and a library book sale! We got a box of Samoas, a box of Tagalongs, and a big bag of exciting books. I was really weirdly thirsty, so we got a Coke Slurpee from 7-11, and it was very yummy. Then we went to J's parents' house. They were having computer problems, so we went so he could help them with that and we could have dinner and watch the CART race with them. Taped, actually. But yeah, it was all lots of fun. I sat and knit with Mom while J and Dad did computer and car stuff. Oh, I started a new knitting project! A scarf in farrow rib. I'll take pictures as soon as I remember to get J to teach me how to use his digital camera. Also, I mentioned to Mom how I wanted to grow herbs inside, and she gave me an extra pot of thyme that she had lying around! So my herb garden is officially begun! Hooray!
8:01 AM Well, I went to that party and actually had a good time! I got to see some old friends (wasn't sure before going whether they would be there) and meet some nice people. There were a few cute guys who came in towards the end who I didn't get to meet, unfortunately. Oh well. But yeah, I had a pretty nice time! It made me feel much better about social situations in general, too. 7:30 AM Getting to Know You question of the day at The Other Yesterday: The Boards: If you had a baby today, what would you name him? Her? Don't answer here, go there!